sábado, 11 de febrero de 2017

A Heart Mobil

We continue with our Valentines activities.

Tissue Paper of different colours
Plaster of Paris
Moulds for Plaster of Paris
Fairy Liquid soap

  • First of all we draw a heart on a piece of cardboard or cereal box, I love using recyclable materials because we reuse them instead of throwing them away.
  • Afterwards we chose what colours we want for the heart, after we have chosen the colours we tear in small pieces the paper and make a small ball that will be glued onto the heart.

  • Covering all the parts of the heart and be careful not to leave any blank spaces.

  • The heart should look like this, and remember both surfaces of the heart should be covered.

  • For the second part of our project, we cover with Fairy Liquid Soap the moulds of hearts so they wont stick to it. 

  • After you have done that mix 3 parts of Plaster of Paris with two parts of water and mix it well with a spatula watching carefully that there are no lumps in the mixture.

  • When the mixture is ready pour it over the hearts. 

  • Let them dry for 40 to 50 minutes.

  • After they are dry, take them out of the moulds and they are ready to be painted.

  • And voila here is the finished mobil.

A great activity for children in 2nd class, in case you don't have plaster of Paris we can use clay for the hearts.
In here we are using different materials to make this activity. We are covering the areas of construction, painting, fabric, clay or plaster of Paris. 
Good for working fine motor skills, imagination, hand and eye connection and the use of various materials.

Let's Play, Learn and Create with Kanikiando

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